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1 TedStriker  Mon, Feb 10, 2014 12:02:57pm

This should be hilarious…

*grabs popcorn*

2 nines09  Mon, Feb 10, 2014 12:13:17pm

You could smell this coming. Sometimes the words used by these people remind me of the Middle Dark Ages. Truly they would burn people if they could. Truly. It’s written. Truly.

3 BusyMonster  Mon, Feb 10, 2014 12:18:25pm

I can’t even have rational conversations with these people. What the hell do you tell a navel-gazing relic from the 10th century about astronomy and science?

4 Shiplord Kirel  Mon, Feb 10, 2014 1:04:01pm

The religious right is turning on its own, like rats in a demographic trap.

5 jaunte  Mon, Feb 10, 2014 1:28:03pm
Robertson’s remarks represent a concession to evolution that has profound negative ramifications for sound theology.

First, the concession indicts the goodness of God. Modern science asserts that the geological ages are predicated on the fossil record, and these fossils speak to us of suffering and death millions of years before Adam and Eve - before the creation of man. That’s a direction contradiction of the Bible’s teaching that pain, anguish; travail, death and the dysfunctions of nature are a direct result of divine judgment because of man’s sin. If there was a primeval prevalence of these things before the fall of man, then that would leave only God himself responsible for such menace and mayhem. The very notion a God of love and order would work arbitrarily and brutally as suggested in evolution’s old earth hypothesis - a way so contrary to his own nature - carries with it an implication blasphemy.”

If Creech hasn’t learned any better arguments about theodicy in twenty years of pastoring, he should get out of the business.

6 ausador  Mon, Feb 10, 2014 1:30:08pm

Shorter AFA Message…

“As always we demand blind, unthinking and unreasoning adherence to our own personal interpretation of the few bible verses in question. We contend that the bible is the inerrant word of God and that those verses that we choose to cherry-pick must be followed without question. (and no we will not discuss those verses that are obviously wrong or that contradict each other with you, nor those that we do not choose to follow).

As the only true self-proclaimed arbiters of Gods word left within this decayed and immoral country you simply have to accept whatever we say as the sole true path of Christianity!

7 sundude  Mon, Feb 10, 2014 2:26:17pm

Curious. Did these folks ever agree on exactly which Bible was “the inerrant word of God”? Last I heard there were somewhere over 80 English versions alone, each different in some way from every other. (Appears lists about 3 dozen or so.)

8 KiTA  Mon, Feb 10, 2014 3:20:39pm

I’ve always eagerly awaited the fracturing of the “Christian” thing in the US. There are no “Christians.” There are a hundred different cults, all competing with each other, most convinced the others are going to hell. The sooner the fiction of “Christianity” falls apart, the better.

So yeah, bring on the strife! :D

9 Eclectic Cyborg  Mon, Feb 10, 2014 4:21:46pm

I don’t think evolution is in direct conflict with biblical teachings. I mean come on, if God created a constantly changing world does it not stand to reason he would have created constantly changing creatures along with it? You don’t survive in nature without adapting.

10 Chrysicat  Mon, Feb 10, 2014 4:22:20pm

re: #7 sundude

People as a whole haven’t agreed, but AFA specifically accepts only the King James Version. It’s the ‘revealed WORD of the LORD’ in mankind’s perfect language, English as spoken in 1612.

I only wish I were making that up.

11 Decatur Deb  Mon, Feb 10, 2014 4:25:29pm

re: #10 Chrysicat

People as a whole haven’t agreed, but AFA specifically accepts only the King James Version. It’s the ‘revealed WORD of the LORD’ in mankind’s perfect language, English as spoken in 1612.

I only wish I were making that up.

Rheims-Douay or GTFO.

12 sizzzzlerz  Mon, Feb 10, 2014 4:26:19pm

Why, when I read that nonsense from the AFA, do I get the sense that these idiots are arguing over whether unicorns were white with blue eyes or off-white with chestnut eyes?

13 Chrysicat  Mon, Feb 10, 2014 4:37:04pm

re: #11 Decatur Deb

Rheims-Douay or GTFO.

Too Catholic.

NVM that Anglicanism in 1612 had barely diverged from Catholicism (just changed who the Apostolic Successor was), the fact that it was Protestant—even PINO—is enough to make it more acceptable. *SMH*

14 Skip Intro  Mon, Feb 10, 2014 6:41:36pm
That’s why we need not fear there will ever be a discovery of some scientific fact that contradicts the Bible properly interpreted.

We can always cut and paste things together so we’re always right. A person could probably do the same using the Harry Potter books.

15 William Barnett-Lewis  Mon, Feb 10, 2014 6:51:03pm

re: #13 Chrysicat

Too Catholic.

NVM that Anglicanism in 1612 had barely diverged from Catholicism (just changed who the Apostolic Successor was), the fact that it was Protestant—even PINO—is enough to make it more acceptable. *SMH*

Oh, much more to it than that. There was a different translation out of Geneva (the “Geneva Bible” natch ) that was beloved by the Puritans and other radical protestants and had nice detailed foot notes explaining just how you were supposed to interpret various passages. It tended towards a very anti-monarchy stance and hence James didn’t much care for it.

His authorized version (supplanting the earlier authorized versions - the Great Bible & The Bishop’s Bible) was ordered to have no footnotes and a deliberatly archaic language. They were supposed to be told in the homilies and sermons how to interpret things but a funny thing happened - as theological tastes changed, the lack of footnotes became a plus. They could impose whatever interpretation on it that they wanted. That, more than anything else, is what made it the favorite of American protestants.

As for Anglicans, look how long the pre-KJV psalter of Coverdale remained in the Book of Common Prayer… We’re odd fish, we are.

As for the AFA, their desire to limit god to their own small thinking is the real heresy.

16 Chrysicat  Mon, Feb 10, 2014 8:31:27pm

re: #15 William Barnett-Lewis

Thank you for explaining more about why KJO is a thing. Sorry to have had such a shallow understanding previously. :”>

17 Kragar  Mon, Feb 10, 2014 8:36:53pm

As an agnostic, I’ve found it easier to realize Christianity consists of the Roman Catholic Church and Splitters.

/Monty Python mode

18 Romantic Heretic  Mon, Feb 10, 2014 8:46:11pm

As always, the fanatics turn on each other in the name of ‘purity’.

Took longer than I thought.

19 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 11, 2014 3:58:39am

Pat Robetson is like to Tony Perkins I was doing this crazy shit when you still enjoyed the Ramones. But seriously, if Pat Robertson isn’t extreme enough for you, then there’s something deeply wrong with you but then again that is the foundation of hte AFA.

20 aagcobb  Tue, Feb 11, 2014 5:26:41am

re: #10 Chrysicat

People as a whole haven’t agreed, but AFA specifically accepts only the King James Version. It’s the ‘revealed WORD of the LORD’ in mankind’s perfect language, English as spoken in 1612.

I only wish I were making that up.

Yes, they actually expect that when they get to Heaven, the angels will be speaking Elizabethan English. Seriously, I’m not making this up.

21 sundude  Tue, Feb 11, 2014 2:52:24pm

re: #10 Chrysicat

People as a whole haven’t agreed, but AFA specifically accepts only the King James Version. It’s the ‘revealed WORD of the LORD’ in mankind’s perfect language, English as spoken in 1612.

I only wish I were making that up.

Um, ok, but which KJV? Appears has four:
King James Version
King James Version, American Edition
King James Version with Apocrypha, American Edition
New King James Version

And isn’t at least the original KJV one scholars believe was translated from a wrong flavor of Greek?

Oops, just noticed the word ‘scholars’ in there. Nevermind.

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